How to Create a Nursing Station
As a new mom, you’ll spend a lot of time feeding your little one (or pumping) those first few weeks home—it may even feel like a full-time job. A cozy spot to nurse can set you up for breastfeeding success: If you’re comfortable and have supplies at your fingertips, you can focus on feeding and bonding with your new peanut. Here are our tips for creating a nursing sanctuary, including all the must-have breastfeeding gear.
Supportive Chair + Ottoman
A comfy and supportive chair is a must (most Albee moms register for a glider and ottoman). Make sure you can feed without hunching over to avoid back and neck pain, and look for low arms that won’t interfere with properly positioning your baby. If your space can accommodate it, a chair with a seat roomy enough for a nursing pillow is ideal. And we love a chair with a high back so that you have a spot to rest your head.
A footstool or ottoman will make long stretches of sitting more comfortable, and will also raise your lap, bringing your baby closer for feeding with no extra effort.
Side Table
A side or occasional table within arm’s length is convenient for nursing supplies and a spot for keeping water bottles, phones, or snacks handy.
Snacks and Drinks
Convenience is one of the main advantages of keeping snacks and drinks near a breastfeeding chair at home. When you are breastfeeding, you may feel hungry or thirsty and having snacks and drinks within arm’s reach can be very convenient. Instead of having to get up and go to the kitchen to get a drink or a snack, you can easily grab something nearby, saving time and allowing you to stay focused on your nursing session.
In addition to convenience, keeping healthy snacks and drinks nearby can help you maintain your energy levels and stay hydrated. Breastfeeding requires a lot of energy, and it is good to choose nutritious snacks, such as fresh fruit, nuts, or granola bars, that will provide the body with the fuel it needs. Staying hydrated is also crucial for milk production and overall health. Drinking water or other hydrating beverages, such as coconut water or herbal tea, can help a breastfeeding mother stay well-hydrated. Keeping these chair-side helps remind you to partake every time that you breastfeed.
Moreover, having snacks and drinks nearby can also help you relax and feel more comfortable during her nursing sessions. Having snacks and drinks nearby, you can feel more at ease and less anxious about how long you may be sitting in the chair. This can help you enjoy the experience more and feel more comfortable and relaxed.
Pillows or Nursing Pillow
A nursing pillow (or combo of throw or bed pillows) can help position your baby comfortably for breastfeeding and alleviate the strain on your neck, arms, and back. If you are thinking about getting a nursing pillow, consider the following benefits of using said pillow every day:
- Provides support: A nursing pillow provides the mother with support for her arms, back, and neck, reducing strain and discomfort during breastfeeding.
- Better positioning: The pillow helps position the baby at the correct angle for latching, which can help prevent sore nipples, mastitis, and other breastfeeding-related issues.
- Comfortable for baby: The pillow provides a comfortable and supportive surface for the baby to rest on, reducing fussiness and making it easier for them to feed.
- Versatile: Nursing pillows can be used for other purposes such as tummy time, propping up a baby, and supporting them during playtime.
- Hands-free: Using a nursing pillow frees up the mother’s hands, allowing her to read, use her phone, or even eat while breastfeeding.
Stash of Breastfeeding Supplies
Gather all your nursing essentials in a basket and keep it close to your chair for easy access. We’d suggest including:
- Burp cloths and bibs. Babies under six months can spit up frequently.
- Nursing pads and nipple cream. Absorbent pads will help with leaky breasts and nipple cream will soothe and protect sore nipples.
- Manual breast pump. Letting a manual breast pump like the Hakaa do the work while your baby nurses on the other breast can help supply issues.
- Diapers and wipes. Feeding can stimulate your baby’s digestive system, so keep diapering supplies handy.
- Water and snacks. Make sure you stay hydrated while breastfeeding, and replenish your calories frequently (breastfeeding can burn an extra 500 calories a day!). It goes without saying, but we like snacks that don’t have noisy packaging.
- Pacifiers.
A clock is important for a nursing area for a baby at home for several reasons:
- Feeding schedule: A clock helps to keep track of the baby’s feeding schedule. Babies need to be fed on a regular schedule to ensure that they are getting enough nourishment to support their growth and development. A clock can be used to time feedings and make sure that the baby is being fed at the appropriate intervals.
- Sleep schedule: A clock can also be used to keep track of the baby’s sleep schedule. Babies need a lot of sleep, and a regular sleep schedule can help them get the rest they need. A clock can be used to time naps and ensure that the baby is getting enough sleep during the day.
- Medication schedule: If the baby is on medication, a clock can be used to keep track of the medication schedule. This is important to ensure that the baby is getting the medication at the appropriate times, and to avoid missing a dose.
- Time management: A clock can also help parents manage their time more effectively. By keeping track of feeding, sleep, and medication schedules, parents can plan their day more efficiently and ensure that they have enough time for other tasks.
Phone Charging Station
A phone or tablet could be your new BFF during nursing sessions (especially for overnight feedings when no one else is awake). There are apps that make tracking breastfeeding super easy, or you may just want to catch up on emails, watch a movie, or mindlessly scroll. Either way, knowing your device won’t run out of juice is a load off.
Night Light
A night light for overnight feedings will help you navigate a dark room without disturbing your baby or waking anyone else up.
Welcome to Our Family
Albee Baby is the oldest family-owned specialty baby shop in the US, and we pride ourselves on providing our customers with the best assortment of baby products anywhere, at fair prices, always. We’re committed to being an inclusive resource for parents, and hope you’re feeling empowered to find the right baby gear for your family. Still have questions? Feel free to contact our baby gear experts at 877.692.5233 or by email at